Go Map!!

Go Map!! là một ứng dụng iOS cho phép bạn tạo và chỉnh sửa thông tin trong OpenStreetMap. Go Map!! hỗ trợ chỉnh sửa đường và gắn thẻ tự do.

Bạn có thể tải xuống miễn phí từ App Store.

Tính năng, đặc điểm

  • Quickly add points of interest
  • Edit notes, ways and areas
  • Track your location and heading
  • Bing and Mapnik backgrounds available
  • Supports abritrary tag values
  • Full undo/redo support
  • Work online or offline seamlessly
  • See who last edited and object and when
  • Find other mappers nearby
  • Search for places using Nomatim
  • Free. No ads or in-app purchases

Walk Through

When you first start Go Map!!, it will prompt to use your device’s GPS to determine your location. Say “allow” and it will zoom to your position and download the satellite and OpenStreetMap data near you. If you live in a densely mapped area, it may take a few moments to download, and if you live in a sparsely mapped area, you may need to zoom out a bit to see details. Simply pinch zoom and drag to pan around your immediate neighborhood. Go Map!! automatically downloads additional data as needed as you pan around your location.


OpenStreetMap uses the term ‘node’ to describe simple points, which typically indicate smaller objects like trees or small shops, while ‘ways’ are larger objects with size, such as highways or buildings. Go Map!! indicates a node with an icon or a small square, while ways are displayed as lines, rectangles or polygons.

Thêm dữ liệu OSM

Gắn thẻ

Tags are used to describe objects in the OpenStreetMap database, such as indicating that a location contains a shop or restaurant and what its name is. To select an existing object, either a node or a way, simply tap it. To select a building, you must select the outline of the building instead the center. Selected objects are highlighted in yellow and its tag is displayed (gray box) and a configuration button. Press the “Tags” button to view and edit tags.

Adding tags

The tag editing screen presented has three tabs of views. The first tab, Common Tags, presents fields for adding common points of interest.

Common Tags

Thẻ thứ hai, tất cả thẻ”, cho phép người dùng nâng cao thêm các thẻ và giá trị tùy chỉnh.

All Tags

The third tab shows metadata about the object: who created it and when, and additional low-level details. From this tab, you can also drill down to information stored on the OSM server about the user, changeset, object history, and object details.

Way Attributes

  • Identifier - object page
  • User - user page
  • Version - object history page
  • Changeset - changeset page

Di chuyển một nút, một đường, hoặc một nút trên đường

To move a node or a way, tap to select it, and it will be highlighted in yellow. To select a node that is part of a way, first, select the way, then tap a node in it.

node in a way

Once selected, drag the title box (gray box) to move it to a new location. Confirm the move if prompted. If you make a mistake, use the Undo button, or simply move it back.

Tạo, di chuyển và gắn thẻ POI

To create a new node or point of interest, tap the “+” button. A pin will drop indicating the position of your new node.

New node

Drag it using the title bar to the correct location, then press the “Tags” button to add tags. If you don’t add any tags, then your new node will be discarded, so if you drop a pin by accident, simply tap elsewhere and it will disappear.

Add tag to the node

Thêm nút vào một đường

If you wish to add nodes to a way, there are two approaches, depending on whether you are adding the node to the middle of the way or extending it at either end.

To add a node to the middle of the way, select the way by tapping close to the position where you want the new node to appear, then press “+”. A node will be added to the selected location.

Middle node

To append a node to the end of a way, select the way, then select a node at either end, then press “+”. A new node will be added to the start or end of the way.

End node

Tạo một đường/ vùng

Creating a new way or area is similar to creating a node, except you press “+” twice. On the first press of “+”, a pin will drop which you can position as desired. Tap “+” again to add the second node connected to the first node. Position the second node and continue pressing “+” to add additional nodes.

Create way

To create an area, simply drop a final node and then drag it on the top of the first node. A circle of dots will indicate that it is joining to the existing node. You can also join to existing ways by dragging over them.

Create area

Hoàn tác/ Làm lại

Any time you make an error, you can use the undo button to revert your changes. All actions including tag changes can be undone, or redone, even if you exit the app and restart later. After uploading to the server all undo actions are discarded. You cannot undo after uploading.


Tải lên các thay đổi

When you are finished making your changes to the map, you can submit your changes to the OpenStreetMap server by pressing the upload (cloud) button.


If the change is uploaded successfully, you will simply be returned to the map screen. After uploading, you cannot undo to a previous state; all changes are final.

Tìm kiếm địa điểm

Press the GPS button to zoom to and track your current location. Press it again to turn off GPS. Press and hold the GPS button to perform a nomatim search of places or landmarks you wish to zoom in.


Thiết lập hiển thị nền

Like using the OSM editors such as iD or JOSM, Go Map!! allows us to use different backgrounds that can guide us in editing data. You can change the background to show just the editing layer while you may select “Editor with Aerial” if you want to use aerial imagery as the background for editing.


You also have the option to select what aerial imagery to use while editing. By selecting the text beside “Aerial only”, choose which imagery you wish to use.

Custom Aerial

You may also customize with your own imagery by selecting “Add New” and entering the name and the URL of the imagery on the URL text box. You need to define the tile servers and max zoom for this imagery.

Aerial Provider

Select “Clear Cache” if you want to clear the OSM data cache. It can be used if you have downloaded a bit too much data for your iOS device to handle and things are becoming sluggish.

Clearing the OSM data cache is helpful especially if the application state becomes out of sync with the OSM server. This may occur if someone else changes data you are editing, or if one of your uploads fails midway through preventing from uploading additional data.

Clearing the OSM cache will cause you to lose any changes that have not yet been uploaded.

Clear the Mapnik or Overlay tile caches to download the latest tiles that reflect changes you’ve previously submitted. Your changes may take up to 24 hours to be processed.

Clear Cache

You may also overlay different information such as GPX Tracks, Notes & Fixmes, OpenStreetMap GPS Traces, and Unnamed Roads. Plus, you can enable rotation of the app and enable 3-D effects of the OSM data.

Cài đặt và một số yêu cầu khác

Go Map!! requires you to be a registered user on openstreetmap.org in order to upload changes you make to the map. You are required to provide tour openstreetmap.org name and password to the application before uploading data.

Under the Settings icon, select OpenStreetMap Login and type your OSM username and password. If you don’t have an OSM account, kindly select “Register new account” and follow the instructions. Select “Verify” once you’re done.


You can also find other mappers nearby by selecting “Nearby Mappers”. This shows everyone that has edited the area in your current view. Zoom in to see fewer people or zoom out to see more.

Nearby mappers

“Prepare fo Offline” option downloads Bing and/or Mapnik tiles for offline use if you expect to be mapping an area without cellular connectivity. Alternatively you can simply scroll around the area you plan to be visiting: all Bing, Mapnik and OpenStreetMap data is cached and will be available even if you have no connectivity. Once you have an access to the internet, simply upload as usual.

When displaying Bing aerial imagery, click the Bing logo to retrieve Bing copyright and data provider information.